Rare Diamonds

Rare diamonds are used in some of the most expensive fine jewellery pieces. Natural diamonds are incredibly valuable because they can take up to 3 billion years to develop. While every diamond is different, some varieties are particularly rare. Red diamonds are the rarest of all the coloured diamonds, which are often extremely scarce. Type IIa diamonds are the rarest variety of diamond in terms of formations, followed by Type Ib.

One of the less well-known facts about diamonds is that they may range in colour from the palest shade of pink to the deepest shade of black. Only 0.01 percent of the diamonds that are mined globally are coloured. They are incredibly precious due to their scarcity. Of all the coloured diamonds, yellow, brown, and black diamonds are the easiest to find.

Red diamond

Red diamond

The most valuable and rarest diamonds in the world are red ones. They are also referred to as Fancy Reds and come in a range of hues from orange-red to brownish red. The Argyle Diamond Mine in Australia is the primary source of red diamonds for the world market. The largest IF graded fancy red diamond in the world is the 5.11-carat Moussaieff Red Diamond.

Blue diamond

Blue diamond

Fancy blue diamonds are possibly the second-rarest diamonds available today. Blue diamonds, which make up just 1% of all mined coloured diamonds worldwide, are frequently linked to royalty. A very faint blue to a highly brilliant blue are on the colour grading scale. One of the most blue diamond in the world is the grayish-blue 45.52-carat Hope Diamond.

Pink diamond

Pink Diamond

Pink diamonds, which are attractive and romantic, are very popular. Faint pinks are more widely accessible, but vivid fancy pinks are quite unusual. The Argyle Diamond Mine in Australia produces more than 90% of the pink diamonds in the world. One of the most well-known pink diamonds in the world is the vivid pink tinted 59.60-carat IF grade Pink Star, formerly known as the Steinmetz Pink.


Type IIA

One percent of all diamonds in the world are Type IIa diamonds. In honour of the renowned Golconda mine in India, which has historically produced numerous iconic Type IIa diamonds, they are also sometimes referred to as "Golconda Diamonds." They are mostly colourless since they don't contain any nitrogen contaminants. Type IIa diamonds make up the majority of D flawless diamonds. Additionally, they can be pink, grey, light blue, or light green in colour. They are the most valuable and are said to be the most chemically pure of all diamonds. These kinds of rough diamonds have been used to create some of the most well-known and extravagant diamonds in the world, including the Elizabeth Taylor Diamond, The Graff Pink, and the Koh-i-noor, which is still worn by the British monarch.

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